Winter Skincare Solutions That Keeps Skin Moisturized And Hydrated

Winter skincare is a term used to describe the specific skincare regimen one should follow during Winter. Winter typically occurs from late November to early March, depending on where you live in the world, and Winter weather outside can significantly impact your skin condition. In some cases, Winter weather may lead to lousy skin as it can cause dryness of your skin and leave it irritated and inflamed due to cold winds and low temperatures.

This article will discuss common Winter skincare tips that focus on keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated throughout Winter. The most crucial step you need to take in winterizing your winter beauty routine is choosing ingredients like glycerin or hyaluronic acid that help prevent water loss in Winter. Depending on the product, winter skincare products containing glycerin or hyaluronic acid will block moisture from escaping from your skin for between six and eight hours.


During Winter, it is also important to apply moisturizer multiple times daily and take steps to deal with skin irritations or inflammation caused by Winter weather, such as using occlusive creams containing lanolin to heal chapped lips.

A further step you need to take towards winterizing your beauty routine is avoiding hot showers during the winter months. They strip away natural oils from your body that help keep you hydrated throughout Winter. Instead, opt for warm showers instead of hot ones, which can dry out your skin even further and decrease your skin’s natural lipid barrier to retain moisture. Winter skincare is essential to take seriously as Winter weather can dry out skin leading to a “winter itch.” Winter itch causes your skin to become rough, scaly, or flaky due to Winter weather stripping away all of its moisturized barriers.


Other Winter skincare tips include washing any bedding like blankets, comforters, and pillowcases with fragrance-free detergents containing cold water in Winter. This will help keep your face clean during the winter months when you use these items. Finally, if you have sensitive skin that becomes irritated quickly, you should swap out your makeup remover wipes to cleanse oils before washing with soap and water. This will help Winterize your Winter beauty routine.



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